Buy a Stranger a Coke
Can you think of a time when someone did something nice for you? It could be anything from a nice note to taking you out for lunch. How did the act of kindness make you feel?
This week, we received a specific assignment from our instructor to buy a stranger a coke and write about our experience. I put a reminder on my phone so that every morning I would think about this challenge and try to be more aware of the people and opportunities around me. My prayer was that when I performed this act of service, it would touch the heart of the recipient.
An old Mormon Message reminds me of the positive and possible ripple effect of service. Sometimes you never know the good you do or can do. I believe our potential to have a meaningful and positive impact on others is extensive.
My experience of buying someone a coke was on Friday. I was in the Cougareat grabbing lunch. I bought my food and a soda fountain cup and told the cashier to give the cup to the next person in line. While waiting for my food, I noticed the next person in line had a big gulp and kindly turned down the cup to give it to the next customer. A minute later a girl walked up to order her food. When the cashier unexpectedly gave her the cup she was thrilled. It was fun watching the scene anonymously.
Kind deeds and words, especially appreciation, can have a powerful effect on someone. I'm glad that Shayne gave us the assignment to buy a stranger a coke. I hope to do it again soon.
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