
Showing posts from April, 2019

Do something nice for someone who is stressed

Who would have thought that this week I would drive to campus at 9 pm with a plate of lasagna or walk through the testing center with a box of kolaches. I definitely didn’t, but that is what transpired from a challenge given by my professor, Shayne. Finals are approaching, stress levels are rising, and time is becoming more precious. With tests and projects looming over our heads, Shayne challenges us to do even more - to do something nice for someone who is stressed. Why? Because he knows exactly what will help us have meaning and happiness during this busy season of finals. It was Wednesday this week. We had just finished giving our business expansion proposal on Hruska’s Kolaches. I was walking home with a box of leftover kolaches feeling good about myself. I had in my hands several delicious treats I could enjoy the next couple days.  I had a random thought. You should give out these extra kolaches to people you see. I said a prayer and started looking around for so...

189th Annual General Conference

This weekend marked the 189th annual General Conference for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Since President Nelson’s first conference as president of the church, one year ago, we have experienced many changes including two-hour church. Anticipation and rumors thrived as we approached this year’s conference. What big changes and announcements would we hear? I heard rumors ranging from alterations to the Word of Wisdom to a portable temple on a cruise ship. With conference passed and a few minutes to reflect, I believe we heard what the Lord wanted us to hear. No major changes were announced, but instead our leaders sincerely encouraged us to implement the principles from recently initiated programs. I personally felt encouraged to focus on the following items: Make repentance part of my daily life Make everyday a day for gospel learning and application so that church becomes a place to share experiences and insights Make my home/apartment a holy place...