The Things We Take for Granted

A tsunami of sickness seemed to crash on BYU this last week. Many of my co-workers were getting sick, my roommate got the flu, and I started feeling very ill.

One morning, I was talking to my roommate and said, "every time I get sick I realize how amazing it is to feel normal and have a normal day." He agreed and we both recognized how easy it can be to take for granted our health and even the ability to complete mundane daily tasks. For example, in my experience of being sick, I've reflected. How often am I grateful for the ability to exercise without having a coughing attack after a minute of moving? How often am I grateful that I don't have to blow my nose constantly while I'm trying to sleep?

Experiences like these can open our eyes to new obstacles, some of which people in the world face every day.

We are all unique with different challenges. I believe it can be beneficial to take a moment to reflect on the things we are grateful for in our life.


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